Ada Doris Hayball
- Born: 9 Oct 1892, Brighton, Melbourne 1 2
- Died: 1973, Brighton 3
General Notes:
"[She] went into the Public Service (P.M.G's Dept.) Wrote verse, articles and sketches which were published in various magazines, journals and newspapers. Devtoed some time to the writing of plays, both full length and one-act. Several of these were performed in Sydney, Perth and Melbourne by local repertory companies. One of which was published in " Plays by Australians", the first book of such plays to be published in this country, and one of which was published in a magazine called "The :Playbill" and two of which were published in booklet form. "Out of a Clear Sky" was performed over 3AW. Also wrote several accounts of travel, two of which were published "Sidelights on the Soviet" an account of a trip to Russia. This was withdrawn on account of the many typographical errors) and "Strawberries in the Jam" being notes on the many interesting people met with abroad. Doris made 4 trips abroad - the first per " Jervis Bay " in 1921/22 to England, Scotland, Wales, France (Paris), Switzerland (Lucerne) and Italy (Rome Venus, Pisa, Milan, Florence, etc.) staying for the first Wembley Exhibition. She also worked in the office of the Asiatic Petroleum Co. in London (a subsidiary of the Shell) for six months. Returned home at the end of 16 months through Canada, New York, Toronto, Winipeg, Banff, Syercuse, Lake Louise, Vancouver, Victoria, Honolulu, Fiji, New Zealand, Brisbane and Sydney.
The second trip was to Japan, China, Java, Phillipines and the Celebes in 1931 about which she wrote an account which was read for 13 weeks over 3AW, sponsored by Richmond Furnishing Company.
The third trip was again to England in 1936-7. On this trip she visited Russia (Moscow and Leningrad) for the Theatre Festival in September, 1936 in order to study their theatre and political set-up and also visited most of Europe. During the winter months of 1937 a tour by two German cargo steamers (about 4 - 5000 tons) was made, to Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Cairo, Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa and the Holy City and environs, Alexandria, Cyprus, Greece, Athens, Mediterranean, Bulgaria, Rumania, Turkey, Black Sea, etc. ending in Hamburg (Germany) and returned to London in time for the coronation of George V1, after the abdication of Edward V111. At Buckingham Palace garden party the Duchess of Northumberland (Senior Mistress of the Robes) presented Doris to the new Queen and a little conversation followed. At Lambeth Palace garden party, the Archbishop of Canterbury was shaken hands with. Many more notabilities were met and went out of their ways to offer entertainment. Return to Australia was made through America - New York, Washington, Chicago, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.
Doris nursed at No 1. Rest home (Wirth's Park, Melbourne) Emergency Hospital during the Spanish Influenza epidemic 1919. She was a qualified Voluntary Aid, having done her First Aid and Red Cross nursing classes and obtained the gold medallion. She also worked at the Y.M.C.A. in St Kilda Rd. and St Paul's Cathedral Red Cross depots doing voluntary chores. In later life she was a Vice President of an auxiliary for the Kew Cottages and later still President of the "Carinya" Auxiliary for the Aged and Infirm Blind at Brighton Beach, until her own sight became so bad (cataracts both eyes) that she has to have an operation.
During the 1930's she was Hon. Secretary to the Playlover's Society (400 members), Dr Booth (President) at Kelvin Hall and Hon. Publicity Officer of the Australian Literature Society. The Second World War ended these activities. She was a member of the Australian Author's Society, Melbourne Writers, P.E.N. (International) and other literary associations. Now residing at Flat 3, 400 Kooyong Rd, Sth. Caulfield, S.E.8"
This short autobiography was written in about 1964 - copy held by Brighton Historical Society in their "Hayball" file accessed Aug 2006
Ellis Island Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival Passenger Record Ship Manifest Ship Image 1. Ada Doris Hayball London, England 1924 31