Joel Hale
(Cir 1811-) |
Joel Hale
General Notes: I can find no reference to him in the Channel Islands after 1841 but there is a Joel Hale born about 1807 in Bath who appears on the 1851 and 1861 censuses in London in Clapham and Marylebone respectively and who I can't find in 1841. Seems at least a possibility. Chronology: He worked as a Sailmaker in 1841 and resided at Court Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey. 2 3 |
1 Hale Connection Web Site, http://haleconnection.net/, http://users.esc.net.au/~dwhale/haletree/enghales/channel.htm.
2 Hale Connection Web Site, http://haleconnection.net/.
3 Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, 1841C.