Annie Hale Shaw
Another name for Annie was Roon. General Notes: Nickname "Roon" given by Herbert Shaw - "Little Annie Rooney" [PAM 2003] Annie married James McNab Murray, son of Donald Murray and Jessie Halket, on 13 May 1929 in Elsternwick Congregational Church.1 (James McNab Murray was born on 6 Sep 1903 in 23 Copeland Road, Govan, Glasgow and died on 27 Jul 1977 in Melbourne, Australia 5.) |
1 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Marriage.
2 Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (WA) - Certificate, Birth.
3 Word of Mouth, PAM. real birthdate was 4th - incorrectly registered by father.
4 Word of Mouth, PAM.
5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate,, Death extract.