Margaret Hitchings (Cal 1824-1919) |
Margaret Hitchings 4 5
General Notes: (The original of the photograph above was kindly provided by the Baptist Church Archives Qld and is from the July 1903 issue of Qld Baptist the article being in honour of the Golden Wedding of William and Margaret Moore.- it has been slightly digitally enhanced) Chronology: She worked as a Servant in 1843 and resided at Cresswell, Jeffreston, Pembroke, Wales. 9 Margaret had a relationship with Thomas Hutchins. (Thomas Hutchins was born before 1830.) Margaret next married William Moore, son of Edward Moore and Fanny Pople, on 2 Jun 1853 in St Michael, Bristol.1 2 3 (William Moore was born on 7 Feb 1826 in Berrow, Somerset 10, christened on 12 Mar 1826 in Berrow Parish Church, Somerset 11 and died on 23 Sep 1906 in Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Queensland.) Marriage Notes: They were married by Curate Clement D Strong (at least it looks like that's the name and there is a Chaplain of the same name on the vessel "Glow Worm" docked at Bristol on the 1861 census who seems to have gone on to be the Vicar of All Saints Bristol by 1881). |
FreeBMD Online Index of BMD, England & Wales, www.freebmd.org.uk, Marriage. Marriages Jun 1853
Hitchings Margaret Bristol 6a 56
Moore William Bristol 6a 56.
2 Baptist Church Archives Queensland Australia, http://home.pacific.net.au/~dparker/barc.htm, 3rd June 1853.
3 General Register Office (England & Wales) Certificate, http://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/home.asp, Marriage. 3 June 1853, St Michael, Bristol.
4 Baptist Church Archives Queensland Australia, http://home.pacific.net.au/~dparker/barc.htm, Photograph is from the July 1903 Qld Baptist in honour of the Golden Wedding of William and Margaret Moore.
5 Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (Victoria) - Certificate, http://online.justice.vic.gov.au/bdm/home, Marriage JJM & ASS 1887.
The Church of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index, www.familysearch.org/, Baptism. MARGARET HITCHINGS OR WILLIAM
Christening:04 AUG 1824 Jeffreston, Pembroke, Wales
Messages:Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.
Regsitry Queensland Historical Index, 1919/6154 8
Ancestry.com Online Census and BMD, www.ancestry.com, JAyre Public Tree.
General Register Office (England & Wales) Certificate, http://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/home.asp, Birth Cert of daughter Sarah.
Baptist Church Archives Queensland Australia, http://home.pacific.net.au/~dparker/barc.htm, b. 7 Feb 1826 Berrow, Somerset.
Somerset Heritage Service, Berrow Parish Register of Baptisms.