(About 1889 to 1895)

These photos come from the photo albums of Herbert Shaw who lived from 1887 to 1894 at "Hiawatha", the next door twin of "Chevy Chase". According to family stories the two families saw much of each other especially on Sunday afternoons. Most of these photographs were probably taken by John Binnie and the captions were added by Herbert's sister Lavinia or his daughter Mary in the early 1900s.

"John, Mrs Binnie and family and friends on their lawn. One hot Sunday afternoon!" (c1890)

Binnie Group

This photo is from Herbert Shaw's album. Violet Yuille (nee Binnie), the youngest of the Binnie children was born in 1890 in England probably within a year of this being taken. She recalled in 1964 "My parents were strict but very fair and just. On Sundays we attended Church, wet or fine, walking about 1 mile down to 'St Leonard's'. ........ But the rest of the day we could read or go for walks, visit friends, or have them call. But definitely no games - NEVER ON SUNDAYS." Herbert's photos suggest that the Shaws were very much involved in these Sunday activities until their departure to Western Australia in 1894.

At the front from the left are Ernest Binnie (15), George Binnie (5), John Binnie, Janet Binnie, Jessie Binnie (13). The woman on the right could be Miss Frances Kerr with whom Jim Binnie was left in charge of the household while the rest of the family went to England. The identities of the four at the rear are not certain but it is likely to be Mary (21) and Florence (19) Binnie with escorts.

The photographs below were displayed prominently in Herbert's album. The centre photograph mirrored a similarly framed portrait of Herbert in top hat and the identity of this woman has long been a mystery. From the photograph above and the Binnie family group below it seems that she is Florence Binnie. On the right is Florence a bit younger and on the left is her sister Mary (note the "M" on the pin at her throat).

Mary and Florence Binnie

Binnie Sisters


Binnie Family Group (c1890)

Binnie Group

This was uncaptioned but is much the same group as the top photograph with Jim Binnie replacing Mary's escort. Possibly taken the same day with all dressed the same except for a more formal John and Janet Binnie.


"John Binnie family group again! This time "Dave" Blyth & Jim were going out!" (c1893)

Binnie Group

At the front are John Binnie, Jessie Binnie (16) Ernest Binnie (18), Janet Binnie, and Violet Binnie (3). At the rear from the left are Dave Blyth, Jim Binnie and MaryBinnie (24). The caption goes on " Sunday afternoon 1899 or ?" but this seems too late considering the ages more likely about 1893.


"John Binnie, Dog and part family (half way down to front gate!)"

Binnies and Dog

John Binnie, Jessie Binnie (16) , Mary (24), and Violet (3).


"Shadehouse in course of erection! John Binnie's"


The same day and group as the photo above but with the addition of Jim Binnie (?).

"Ready for Sunday Outing 1893/4 by JB - Effie & Herbert Shaw"

"Sunday again! JB & HS 1895"


The dates on the captions may be incorrect as these seem to have been taken on the same day probably not long before the Shaws left "Hiawatha" in late 1894. Effie Shaw was Herbert's sister and "JB" Jim Binnnie.


Out the Back, Chevy Chase?

Chevy Chase

These two photos were without captions but the billiards player is John Binnie probably at home at Chevy Chase. It is dated 8.10.89. The background to the carriage photo seems to be the same place and the format of the photo is similar to the other Binnie photos in the albums. And look at those shoes!

Chevy Chase



"Chevy Chase". Mr. John Binnie. Hampton St Brighton, almost duplicate of "Hiawatha" (next door!)

Chevy Chase


"Interior Chevy Chase D.R." ( Drawing Room? )

Chevy Chase


"The Bay" Chevy Chase JB on table! Brighton

Chevy Chase


"The Marble Mantle" interior "Chevy Chase" Brighton DR

Chevy Chase


Interior hall "Chevy Chase" Brighton under "Jim" Binnie and Miss Francis Kerr
while John and family "Home" in England. Early nineties ?

Chevy Chase


The Driveway ("Chevy Chase" or maybe "Hiawatha"?)

Chevy Chase